My thoughts on "Is Templeton Foundation digesting Vedanta into Christianity", video session by Rajiv Malhotra ji with Dr. Ravi Ravindra

I have listened to alot of Rajivjis talks where each video is atleast about 80 minutes long. But I think this video is an eye opener to myself. As the video began, the way it began, the way it proceeded, I developed a respect for the guest of the day. That's because of the way Rajiv ji put it. We humans are impressionable and form opinions from reliable sources. And Rajiv ji is a reliable source for me. I was almost 10 minutes into the talk and I was confused. 20 minutes passed and I was still confused. 30 minutes now. I remained confused for what felt like a majority share of the talk which was 1 hour 37 minutes long. What was the confusion about? The guest of the day wrote a book in 1990 and the title was, "The Yoga of the Christ". So that meant Christ and Yoga were being intertwined. This was in contradiction to what I heard from Rajiv ji most of the time. He coined a word called digestion and that in simple terms means, you have a big empty house, so you s...