Who is a muslim?

Well, anybody would think, what a stupid thing to ask! 

The straight forward answer to who a muslîm is might be: a muslîm is someone born into a muslîm family. Because then ofcourse they will learn the islamíc practices and grow into an islamíc person.


for the purpose of definition, and to put it in dictionary language, a muslîm is somebody who agrees to abide by the Quran and one who accepts that there is no God but Allah. Yes, that person is a muslîm.

This means, one who doesn't agree that there is no God but Allah is not a muslîm. So by definition, you and me are not muslîms. Because we have Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu and more. But the point is, this also means that those people who are born into a muslîm family but don't believe that there is one and only Allah is also not a muslîm.

If your muslîm friend comes with you to your temple, he is not a muslîm, because that indirectly means he believes in your God and that will mean he doesn't agree with "one and only Allah" policy of islam.

It is not necessary that you have to declare yourself an atheist to be a non-muslîm. Being into the religion but not believing enough will throw you out of the band.

Now, where lies the difference? And what did you miss!

Since most Hindus these days don't practice the traditional ways in daily lives, they tend to believe that it is normal to be so sedentary and still be in a religion. Let's try to put it this way: you are not an atheist but you don't visit temples and are not so involved in matters related to God. But when you fill out the forms of your school, you will write Hindu. Tell me why? Because that element of being a Hindu remains in you even when u r a sedentary Hindu.

The point is, there is no such thing as a sedentary muslîm. One has to accept that there is one and only Allah; only then he is a muslîm. 

Confused? Yes you must be. And that is exactly why I have written a series of articles for you.

Give them a read as well!
