Why Abdul comes with you to your temples and festivals

Does your neighbour boy Arif come with you to your temples? If yes, then wait there, this article is for you! I will give you possible reasons why he does so:

1. First, He is an atheist. Yes, he is secretly an atheist or an ex-muslim. (Click here to know the difference between the two.) But for the fear of life or ostracism, he doesn't say it out loud. This is a very straightforward case.

2. Second, He is not muslim-enough. What that means? Well, he is not a madrassa kid, not interested in doing namaz, not gone deep into quran. The problem enters the day he becomes muslim-enough. Because then, he will hate you, your culture, your temples and your very existence as a Hindu. So the wait is for that day when he will be bad enough to start abusing your culture. A natural question is, when and how will this bad day arrive? Well, that depends on the syllabus of madrassa and since I have never been there, I can't say when your neighbour boy will get radicalised.

3. Third, He is an opportunist: he might be all praise for you, your culture, your festivals and your friendship. But be assured, he is well-trained and part of a bigger network and is there just to lure you into islam. In the beginning, he is going to get friendly with you; for that he will do whatever pleases you. Then, he is on a continuous mission to test you. Once he realises you know nothing about your culture and Dharma, he will start criticizing it and create a confusion in your mind. At last, you will feel sick of your religion and either fall for islam (higher chance) or become an atheist.

Have you ever come around such an Abdul? Well, they are not that difficult to find. 9/10 muslims fall in this category.

Beware of these wonderful muslims! Have a good day!
