Why Kanhaiya Lal did not have any alternatives and what you can do about it.

How will Hindus survive in congress, communist and leftist ruled states? Depending on police?

Why would anyone even in their wildest dreams imagine getting stabbed for simply existing? This was the case of the respected soul Kanhaiya Lal ji who was butchered in Talibani model to death.
This is just one example to make you realise why you shouldn't depend on the governments and their pets for the safety of your family and yourself.

What alternatives am I talking about? I don't need to explain why police is not enough. Majority people have anyway lost hope in that institution, especially in states run by agenda-driven political parties. It was possible that Kanhaiya ji could be saved the very first time he received threats. Let's ask the basic question; did he receive any support? Unfortunately, he didn't. He approached the local police who refused to file even a case, let alone provide some protection. Kanhaiya ji chose to sit at home till everything settles down. 10 days..12 days.. and the very first day he returned to work, he was brutally butchered. 

Let's look at some statistics: according to the data from 01.01.2020, there are about 150-200 police personnels for every 1 lakh Indians, with Bihar having the lowest at 115 and Andaman and Nicobar Islands having the highest at 1253. It's clear, 170 police personnels cannot be the saviour for 1 lakh Indians who are facing threat in one form or another. What makes you think that you are safe, even in your own home? Is it time, to do, to think and to tell others about it?
Let's talk about what the other side is doing. Bringing kids from a very early age into the islamic fold, teaching them quran, sending them regularly to madrasa knowing fully well that you can't get a job with it. 
Everytime a muslim visits a mosque for the Friday prayer, he is socializing with many other muslims who then become a part of his life, a bigger circle. Every issue or strategy can be planned.

Now recall your one such Temple friend...

Everybody is commenting, Hindus should wake up, wake up. What will you do after waking others up? Tell me what's the next step?

Socializing on digital media is well and good but only the local bond is what's going to save you and your family. You don't know your neighbour, your building mate or your society mate and you are shouting on the top of your voice on social media with the wake up syndrome!

The problem is you don't want to spend time for these activities, you are just a lazy couch potato who even after knowing the truth, shuts his eyes to the reality and comments on social media from his comfort zone with a fake ID. 

The First step: form a community of local people. And yes, it should be strictly dharmik get-together; not the secular brigade.
The second step: discuss Dharma adharma, and every single thing which Hindus have forgotten in the past 75 years including how Hindus have been reduced to the status of dhimmis today. 
The third step: contribute to the community: start a bank account in the name of your local temple and contribute every month, the maximum possible limit. Keep a big heart and understand that this is the only money that can save you. Remember: if money goes to your account, you save money. If money goes to community account, money saves you.
The fourth step: start using that money for a variety of purposes, mainly to train the younger generation in martial arts.
The fifth step: build social media pages to keep the community involved.

These are the very first and very basic things you can do instead of shouting and tweeting on social media; something which can give results, something that can save a Kanhaiya Lal, something that a Kanhaiya Lal can look upto when police puts on a blindfold.
